Modern Hypnosis is evolving quickly. Advances are providing all sorts of unexpected, faster and proven ways to improve your health and life. Learn how you can benefit from them here.
Good reading and here's to your success,
Stephen Gruber, MA
Hypnosis has again been found to have a positive outcome for helping people to stop smoking. This according to a new (2025) major scientific review of over 60 research studies on the issue.
New research on how the brain changes under hypnosis holds promise for even more people to benefit from hypnosis for pain control.
Continue reading "Brain Changes in Hypnosis Can Help Pain Control"
Another recent study (2019) shows that hypnosis is significantly effective in reducing anxiety across a variety of contexts. This study looked at anxiety reduction in medical settings. The study highlighted that hypnosis was particularly effective in reducing anxiety before medical procedures, such as surgery or dental treatments.
Continue reading "Hypnosis Reduces Anxiety in Medical Settings"
Are you open to using hypnosis to help achieve your goals? Often we read of people having an adverse view of hypnosis for help due to old myths often born from stage hypnosis. However, these days this no longer appears to be the majority view according to recent research. The study concludes that most people are positive towards hypnotherapy, and would consider its use under the right circumstances.
A recent study investigated the impact of hypnosis on weight loss. While all participants received education on diet, exercise, and behavioral recommendations, only the intervention group participated in three hypnotherapy sessions.
Those who practiced self-hypnosis more frequently lost more weight (6.27%) compared to the average weight loss in the intervention group (4.61%) and the control group (3.04%).
This study concludes that self-hypnosis can be a valuable tool for weight loss, especially when combined with other lifestyle changes.
Continue reading "Self Hypnosis Leads to Most Weight Loss: Study"
A recent study concludes that hypnotherapy can significantly contribute to improving the quality of life of breast cancer patients who receive treatments. This can happen through reducing symptoms of stress, anxiety, and depression that are often associated with cancer treatment and diagnosis. This study offers preliminary evidence of the utility of hypnotherapy during surgery, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy in increasing cognitive functioning and reducing adverse effects on social and physical functioning and overall quality of life in women or men with breast cancer.
Continue reading "Hypnosis Helps With Breast Cancer: Research"
Today, hypnosis, also called hypnotherapy, has a lot more data to back up its use for mental health conditions like anxiety and depression. It can also be an effective treatment for sleep problems, pain, irritable bowel syndrome and quitting smoking, studies show. And it’s still occasionally used as a way to sedate patients for surgery with little (or no) medication.
There are many ways hypnosis can help a patient cope better with a diagnosis of cancer, discomforts associated with the disease and required medical procedures, and side effects caused by its treatments.Check out a Doctor's interesting take on this important issue.
Continue reading "Doctor Reviews How Hypnosis Is Helping Cancer Patients"
Free Hypnosis session to help foster a realistic sense of hope for cancer patients.
Continue reading " Cancer patients: Build hope with free hypnosis help"
Use this effective free online hypnosis session for cancer patients to calm your medical test anxiety
Continue reading "Worrying While Waiting for Your Medical Test Results? Free Help Here"
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