Hypnosis is a proven, natural tool to successfully achieve your goals and improve so many aspects of your life.
There is no need to take my word for it though. You can experience just how pleasant and effective using hypnosis is in the comfort and safety of your own home.
Just download and enjoy listening to my free Learn Self Hypnosis mp3 session. It is worth your time to do this now because you will experience hypnosis first hand while learning how to hypnotize yourself.
Stephen Gruber here.
I am a Consulting Hypnotist. I specialize in relieving the profound
that distress so many people in their
Using hypnosis clears the way to experience success, improved health and peace of mind in your life.
Success comes in many forms including:
My approach to Hypnosis is evidence based. This is combined with years of practical clinical experience hypnotizing thousands of clients to successfully achieve their goals.
You can benefit from my experience as the Consulting Hypnotist at the Queen Elizabeth Health Complex in Montreal, Canada. There I conducted thousands of successful personal hypnosis sessions. I have retired from taking new clients for one to one hypnosis sessions.
However, through this web site you can learn how to achieve success using the power of self hypnosis with my support.
You can do this by;
I am also an hypnosis educator and developer of the effective RRI System for Success.
I started training in hypnosis over 50 years ago. I first used hypnosis to turn my own flagging academic career into a very successful one. .
Of course I continue to
use self-hypnosis daily to achieve both my personal and professional
goals in life.You can read the story of how self hypnosis has guided my life here.
I have been fortunate to receive hypnosis certification training and to participate in professional development with leaders in the hypnosis field.
My passion is for learning and helping people become the best that they can be. This is reflected in the Quebec Association for Adult Learning's Outstanding Achievement Award I received for my promotion of Life Long Learning.
My extensive professional experience includes designing and delivering training, and leading workshops and project teams in India, Africa, Europe and across Northern and Southern Canada.
As a result I have learned to work effectively with individuals and groups at all levels of corporate, governmental and non-profit organizations. My hypnosis clients are drawn from all age groups, cultures and walks of life.
If you are wondering if hypnosis could help you or have a question about hypnosis please message me below. I will be pleased to answer you.
With you on the path to success,
Stephen Gruber MA
Consulting Hypnotist, Montreal
PS For immediate hypnosis help, select from over 1,200 professionally developed and guaranteed hypnosis sessions here.
If not now.....when?
If not here......where?
For the record: The coaching help and information offered by myself and this web site makes no claim to substitute for the work provided by a qualified medical or mental health practitioner.I am not and do not claim to a be a Psychologist or a Counsellor, The pages on this web site are for informational purposes only and do not constitute or claim to provide physical or mental health advice.
Also, I may receive a small commission if you choose to invest in some hypnosis products linked to on this site. You will only find reputable products linked to. If there is a commission it does not increase the cost of your investment. This is what enables me to provide the widest range of help to people who need it and keep the web site with its resources going.