It was thirty-five years ago since Winnipeg hypnotherapist Janis Rosen first watched a documentary that showed how a hypnotist was able to help with chronic pain. This was enough to spark Janis' interest and led to her later becoming a hypnotist herself. Learn more about the work Janis is doing now to help people lose weight, stop smoking and much more.
Janis, could you briefly introduce yourself to our readers please.
I’ve been a hypnotherapist for over 30 years since I started my practice in 1982. I am based in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, but I have clients all over the world. I now do hypno sessions long distance by Skype or FaceTime as well as in person.
I am also a counselor and life coach. My website is
What first attracted you to a career in Hypnosis?
I have always been interested in healing, transformation, and spirituality. One Sunday afternoon, some 35 years ago, while scrolling for something to watch on TV, I came across a fascinating documentary about a hypnotist in California who was working with a client who had a chronic illness. The documentary followed the work they did together for a year.
By using hypnosis, they were able to bring about a remission in symptoms and create tremendous healing that changed the man’s quality of life. It showed me the healing power of the mind using hypnosis.
At the time I was a single mom with two young children, attending university part time, as well as studying massage therapy, reflexology and shiatsu. My interest in hypnotherapy that was sparked by that documentary stayed with me.
It took several years, but I found training in hypnosis. Part of my training was to mentor with a practicing hypnotist which I did for about two years into my practice.
Have you experienced any personal benefits from using hypnosis for yourself that you would care to share with our readers?
I use hypnosis on myself almost daily. I have a very intense mind and imagination and hypnosis helps me relax my mind and calm my emotions.
I use hypnosis to set the changes into my subconscious I am making, or healing I am doing with myself.
Altered state work is a normal part of my daily life. My subconscious mind is a powerful ally in the living of my life. As part of my spiritual practice, I work with my Higher Self which I do in an altered state.
What was the most helpful training you experienced to become a hypnotist? What made it helpful?
The most helpful training I experienced to become a hypnotist was one-on-one mentoring. Each session I did on my own was followed by time with my mentor, to analyze and assess each session and see what I could have improved, and what worked and why.
In those early days of my practice as a hypnotist, it was so valuable to have regular access to my mentor’s experience and knowledge that made a tremendous impact on my growth.
I am a hands-on learner so practical application was very helpful. I truly understood concepts only after I applied and practised them.
What issues do your clients typically come to you for help with. Do you specialize in helping people with certain issues?I am a generalist. I work with a large variety of people from ages 8 to 80 on a wide range of issues.
I love to help people quit smoking and have helped thousands quit. I created a system to identify different types of smokers and how to work with them and understand their unique needs.
I have a good understanding of addiction and its underlying causes. I work with all kinds of addiction, with it’s patterns and behaviours.
I work with weight issues and body image issues that often involve issues of self worth, and self esteem. I created a program called, Growing Bigger on the Inside, which helps people get to the root of their weight issues and includes hypnotherapy, counseling and coaching.
I work with a lot of fear based issues from anxiety to phobias.
Currently I am working with more children and adolescents which I find fascinating. They are very receptive to change and their beliefs are less entrenched than adults. They are game to use a powerful technique like hypnosis to heal or change what is getting in their way and are very receptive to learning how their mind works.
I also work with abuse, trauma, pain and illness with the focus of healing and transformation.
My least favorite thing to do as a hypnotist is past life regression. Unless I come across that rare person who has a remarkable connection with their past lives and excellent past life recall. Then it is a very satisfying area of hypnosis work. But it can be tedious work.
Do you find any particular phase of your hypnosis work to be of special interest to you?
My favorite work is one-on-one sessions with clients in person or over Skype or FaceTime. I have worked with the subconscious minds of thousands of people. I am a master reprogrammer and I love to help people change patterns and habits, and create a new inner narrative.
Hypnosis is a way to create new templates and blueprints in the subconscious that change how we think and feel and behave.
I write, produce and sell hypnosis recordings, which is an ever expanding area for me.
I particularly enjoy helping people learn to work with their own subconscious mind and how to make their subconscious an ally - a helpful part of their mind that supports them.
I have written several blog series; The Subconscious Mind: an owners manual, Living Right in a Left Brain World, and The Art of Dreaming and Let Your True Story Come Alive.
What is the most frequent misunderstanding about hypnosis that you encounter with clients or the public?
The most common misunderstanding I still come across is about trance or altered states, what they are, what they look and feel like.
Also unfortunately the idea that hypnosis produces miracles and instant change (which it does sometimes). So it can be confusing to people.
As we both know, Hypnosis as a healing and helping modality has existed for hundreds of years now. However, it is more widely known and accepted in some areas than in others. How would you rate the public acceptance of hypnosis/hypnotherapy in your region?
I have seen tremendous growth in public acceptance of using hypnotherapy in Manitoba since I began my practice in 1982.
Parents bring their children, doctors refer patients for hypnosis for various issues, people are less shy about using hypnosis and talking to others about seeing a hypnotherapist.
I think a turning point in mainstream society toward hypnosis was when a study was published in the US which showed that patients who had hypnosis before surgery went home up to 5 days sooner than those who didn’t. Hypnosis became cost-saving in health care.
What would your favourite book on hypnosis be that you would recommend to others?
I’d recommend a book called, My Voice Will Go with You, The Teaching Tales of Milton H. Erickson by Sidney Rosen.
Is there anything else that you would like to expand upon or add that we have not covered?
For me hypnosis is all about working with the subconscious mind. I see hypnotic reprogramming as a form of story telling. I tell stories to the subconscious. I create a story for the subconscious that resonates truthfully, and is based on what the client wants consciously.
The joy and mastery for me is finding the right messages that resonate authentically at a subconscious level and speak to the heart and soul of a person. Instead of the story going a straight line with a beginning, middle and end, I create a circular story which ends where it begins and begins where it ends. The subconscious mind loves a good story!
Thank you for spending this time with us Janis.Like what you have found here? Please share the ideas by clicking on the link(s) below. Friends will thank you!
For the record: The coaching help and information offered by myself and this web site makes no claim to substitute for the work provided by a qualified medical or mental health practitioner.I am not and do not claim to a be a Psychologist or a Counsellor, The pages on this web site are for informational purposes only and do not constitute or claim to provide physical or mental health advice.
Also, I may receive a small commission if you choose to invest in some hypnosis products linked to on this site. You will only find reputable products linked to. If there is a commission it does not increase the cost of your investment. This is what enables me to provide the widest range of help to people who need it and keep the web site with its resources going.
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