Finding a good hypnotist in Anchorage to work with when you want to make some changes is a great idea. Those changes include: losing weight, stopping smoking, letting go of anxiety and more.
However, whether you are looking for hypnosis in Anchorage or elsewhere there are several myths that it is important that you clear up prior to committing your time and hard earned money to the hypnosis process.
The first common myth is that a hypnotist can force you to make the change that you won't make on your own. There is no hypnotist who is able to make you change something about yourself that you do not really want to change for your own good reasons in the first place.
I meet this challenge sometimes with people phoning who ask me to “make me stop smoking” for example. I ask them, well do you want to stop smoking? They will sometimes answer, no, but my spouse or girl friend wants me to!
I admire such people for their dedication to their partner but tell them that the first thing they need to do is work on their reasons for change before harnessing hypnosis to their efforts.
Fortunately there are ways that an experienced hypnotist can do this with them. However, if you do want to change something, be it a habit, lose weight, a fear or improve your health then hypnosis can most likely help you in ways that you never imagined possible.
Assuming you are committed to the change for your own reasons then the next challenge is finding a competent hypnotist. While it is true that there are many fine professional hypnotists working across N. America now, not all is what it may seem if you are judging who to work with from their web site alone.
For example, there are no standards or regulations for hypnotists in Anchorage or in other cities in N. America when it comes to who may call themselves a certified hypnotist. A “certified” hypnotist may have had years of training or may have had just taken a weekend workshop in how to hypnotize someone.
There is nothing to stop the latter from hanging out their shingle the week following the weekend workshop and offering their services to the public in most jurisdictions as a certified hypnotist. Of course, they are not exempt from local Anchorage and state business regulations
How to find the best hypnotist for your needs is the subject of the Consumer Guide to Choosing a Hypnotist. This free guide provides an in depth look at the questions you need to ask of a hypnotist before you sign on to work with them.
Working with a competent hypnotist can be a life changing experience and indeed has been for many people. But only when they are working with the right professional.
Check out the 12+ questions contained in the guide that you need to answers to before deciding on which hypnotist to work with. This way you are getting the benefit of an “insider's” knowledge of the hypnosis profession. I wrote the guide based on my years of experience as the Consulting Hypnotist at the well known Queen Elizabeth Health Complex in Montreal.
If your looking to use a hypnotist to help you finally achieve success or improve you physical or emotional well being make sure you benefit from the guide first. This is important information that everyone should have access to to help ensure they have a successful experience working with their first hypnotist.
Go here now or click on the picture below to read the free consumer guide because knowing what questions to ask a hypnotist will protect both your time and money!
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For the record: The coaching help and information offered by myself and this web site makes no claim to substitute for the work provided by a qualified medical or mental health practitioner.I am not and do not claim to a be a Psychologist or a Counsellor, The pages on this web site are for informational purposes only and do not constitute or claim to provide physical or mental health advice.
Also, I may receive a small commission if you choose to invest in some hypnosis products linked to on this site. You will only find reputable products linked to. If there is a commission it does not increase the cost of your investment. This is what enables me to provide the widest range of help to people who need it and keep the web site with its resources going.
Time For a Real Change?