Hypnosis Detroit
Timothy Miles
Weight Loss, Quit Smoking, Stress,
Sleep and More.....

Hypnosis Detroit Timothy Miles Weight Loss Quit Smoking Anxiety Sleep

Detroit Certified Hypnotherapist Timothy Miles is successfully helping people lose weight, quit smoking and manage their anxiety among other issues.  Read on to find out what other strategy he is using to ensure a high success rate for his clients.

Timothy, could you briefly introduce yourself to our readers please.

I have been practicing Hypnosis and Neuro-Linguistic Programming in a variety of locations in both therapeutic settings and as a management consultant (today they're called Executive Life Coaches) since 1982. I have found that, for me at least, using both NLP and Hypnotherapy together is the most effective way to create positive change in someone when compared to either process alone.

In 2013 my wife and I relocated to Michigan and I established an office in Southfield, MI which is part of the Detroit Metro area where I see primarily Hypnotherapy clients 3 days a week.

Can you tell us what first attracted you to a career in hypnosis?

I read something my freshman year in college (I can't remember what) that described the power of the unconscious mind and how with post hypnotic suggestions a person could experience things which, while non-existent, would appear entirely real to them. I was fascinated by the idea and tried it out on a couple of my dorm mates and found it to be absolutely true.

While that experience didn't convince me to become a Hypnotherapist at the time, it did instill within me a growing curiosity about what we are capable of.

When I discovered NLP it really opened my mind to just how much we are all controlled (limited) by our unconscious mind and that through NLP and hypnosis it was actually possible to change lives, ours and others, in a positive way effectively and relatively quickly.

Have you experienced any personal benefits from using hypnosis for yourself that you would care to share with our readers?

The single greatest personal benefit I have gotten from practicing Hypnotherapy is experiencing how profoundly some of my client's lives are improved. I can't imagine anything more rewarding than having a client who has spent their entire life struggling with feelings of not being good enough suddenly let go of all those feelings and realize they not only are more than good enough, they always have been.

When someone tells me that they have accomplished more in a couple of Hypnotherapy sessions than they did in 15 years of traditional therapy... well it's an awesome feeling.

Many years ago I read a quote by Leo Rosten, a 20th century author which has stuck with me and really sums up my philosophy of life and highlights why I love Hypnotherapy. He said, “The purpose of life is not to be happy—but to matter, to be productive, to be useful, to have it make some difference that you lived at all.”

Anyone who is a loving parent can know they have mattered to their children and their spouse. So I feel truly blessed that Hypnotherapy and NLP have provided me with the opportunity to matter to my clients as well.

Timothy, I know your clients speak highly of your work. What issues do your clients typically come to you for help with?

Naturally I work regularly with people who want to lose weight or quit smoking but in recent years, I'm getting more and more clients who want to get rid of stress and anxiety or deal with low self esteem issues.

These make up the majority of my clients but by no means are all the issues people want to work on when they come in.

I also have clients who want to perform better at work, in class or in the bedroom... I've helped people find lost items or remember past events more clearly.

I also work with people with physical issues like bladder shyness, tinnitus, anger management and addictions. The variety keeps things interesting.

Do you specialize in helping people with certain issues?

No would be the short answer. The unconscious mind controls or influences so much of what we do and who we are. Since life is pretty much us executing a series of strategies, all created by the unconscious mind, there aren't too many areas of life that cannot be positively affected through Hypnotherapy.

The only area I stay away from is past lives regression. That's just a little too new age for me.

From a hypnotist's point of view, can you tell us about some of the teachers who have influenced your approach to hypnosis the most?

I would have to say that, within the industry, Milton Erickson and Richard Bandler have had the greatest effect on my work as a Hypnotherapist.

Another person who had a significant influence on my overall ability as a Hypnotherapist as well as my approach to my work with clients would be Napoleon Hill, author of Think and Grow Rich.

Without knowing it, Hill originated the Meta Model that Richard Bandler successfully expanded into the basis of NLP. I have no idea if Bandler even knew who Napoleon Hill was but both NLP and Hill are based upon the concept of examining the strategies that work in successful people and then develop ways to recreate these strategies in others.

Others whose teachings have influenced by ability to listen effectively and help my clients discover their core issues would be Werner Erhard and John Handly, developers of transformational models and J. Douglas Edwards, an iconic sales trainer, all of whom expand my understanding the limitlessness of human potential and of how the human mind works as well as how essential it is to be an exceptionally good listener.

Do you find any particular phase of your hypnosis work to be of special interest to you? If so, why? e.g. one on one sessions, training hypnotists, writing scripts, producing recordings etc.

The two areas of greatest interest to me are one-on-one sessions and marketing. This may seem like an odd pairing but to me it makes perfect sense.

There is nothing more rewarding to me personally than working with clients and getting to share their personal breakthroughs and progress. To me.. that is the most important thing I do.

On the other hand, I am an entrepreneur and have always been mystified at how such a powerful therapeutic tool hasn't become more mainstream while at the same time traditional therapy and psychiatry has flourished supported by the insurance companies.

I'm not saying there isn't a place for psychiatry and the practice of “managing” a mental illness but I can't help but wonder how many people in America are having their emotional issues “managed” chemically by a Psychiatrist without experiencing true happiness or even the hope of it.

Likewise, if a traditional therapist can't help you resolve your emotional issues after half a dozen... or a dozen... or a few hundred sessions why continue?

I think one of the reasons Hypnotherapy isn't more mainstream is most of us are sole practitioners and there is no common voice. Also, most Hypnotherapists don't get regular referrals from Psychiatrists who just want to handle the medication side of a patients treatment.

The other thing I have realized over the years is that many (if not most) Hypnotherapists are wonderful, competent and caring healers but lack a lot of business acumen or experience in how to market themselves effectively and it can take quite a while to build a robust practice off of referrals alone.

Many Hypnotherapist websites are full of valuable information but lack good basic marketing design and content. While my first love is as a therapeutic Hypnotherapist, as a result of my path, I've also developed a lot of knowledge and skills in the area of marketing and branding and it's something I also truly love to do.

When I realized that there are many Hypnotherapists in America who could use some help in the area of marketing it became obvious that what was missing was a collaborative marketing project where they could benefit from my branding and marketing efforts in their local market.

The internet gives us the ability to introduce the Happiness Now Hypnosis brand along with it's branded products, Quit Smoking in 88 Minutes and Mastering My Weight to their local market.

As we gain members, it will also allow us to do more to help mainstream Hypnotherapy and NLP nationally as a preferable alternative to Weight Watchers, Nutri-Systems and Chantix and talk therapy and to name just a few.

I'm just about to launch this program at http://Hypnotherapy-Marketing.com and hopefully it will be well received by others.

What are the three most important bits of advice would you give a client before their first session of hypnosis?
  1. It's OK to be skeptical but at the same time, be open to the possibility of achieving better results than you thought you could hope for.
  2. Realize that you are not broken so you don't need to be fixed. You are just using strategies to get what you want but those strategies aren't as effective as you want them to be.
  3. During hypnosis you can take a nap, drift a little or listen to every word. If your mind wants to wander that's OK too. Regardless of what you do with your conscious mind, your unconscious mind is listening to everything I say.

If you could give potential and beginning hypnotists at least one piece of advice, what would it be?

The actual induction and giving of suggestions is the easy part. Creating rapport, discovering and truly understanding what the client's issues are and crafting suggestions that will enable the client to realize change in those issues is the part of hypnosis that takes great effort and practice to learn. That's the art. Focus on it.

What is the most frequent misunderstanding about hypnosis that you encounter with clients or the public?

That it's like stage hypnosis or that a Hypnotherapist can make someone do something they don't want to do.

As we both know, Hypnosis as a healing and helping modality has existed for hundreds of years now. However, it is more widely known and accepted in some areas than in others. How would you rate the public acceptance of hypnosis/Hypnotherapy in your region?

Michigan and particularly the Detroit Metro area is definitely not the alternative healing epicenter of America. I would have to say it's definitely a less than ideal market compared to others.

However Detroit is undergoing a renaissance and coming back strong after some really bad years so I think the best years for Detroit are yet to come.

What would your favourite book on hypnosis be that you would recommend to others?

I would have to say “Trance-Formations: Neuro-Linguistic Programming and the Structure of Hypnosis” by Bandler and Grinder

Is there anything else that you would like to expand upon or add that we have not covered?

Hypnotherapy as a career is about the most rewarding thing I have done or can imagine doing. It's not the path to great economic wealth but anyone who becomes proficient at it and dedicates themselves to it will, in the end, consider themselves to be the richest person they know.

Thank you Timothy for sharing your thoughts with us here.  You may contact Timothy through his website: http://happinessnowhypnosis.com/

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