Terms of Use and Site Disclaimer
As a Consulting Hypnotist Stephen Gruber practices Non-Therapeutic Hypnosis. He is not licensed as, nor does he practice, Psychotherapy. To learn more about the nature of his work as a Consulting Hypnotist
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The information provided on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease - nor is it intended to replace the advice of a physician. www.Ask-the-Hypnotist.com is intended for educational use only. If you have any kind of physical symptom or mental health issue please see your licensed health care practitioner before starting an Hypnotherapy program of any kind. I, Stephen Gruber, will only work with clients who have any diagnosed illness, physical or mental, under referment from a licensed health care practitioner. However, with this referral I am pleased to be of assistance. Any and all product names appearing on the Ask-the-Hypnotist.com website are copyright and trademarks of their respective owners. None of these owners have sponsored, authorized, endorsed, or approved this website. The views and statements expressed on this web site and email communication represent the opinions of the authors and should not be considered scientific conclusions. Neither Ask-the-Hypnotist.com, or Stephen Gruber: Hypnosis Montreal or Stephen Gruber assume any liability for the information contained herein. Specific medical advice should be obtained from a licensed health care practitioner. Consult your physician before you begin any nutrition, or exercise, program. Reporting copyright infringementsIn accordance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act ("DMCA"), Pub. L. 105-304, Ask-the-Hypnotist.com has designated an agent to receive notification of alleged copyright infringement occurring in the Ask-the-Hypnotist.com domain. If you believe that your copyrighted work is being infringed, notify our designated agent specified below.
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